Friday, November 16, 2018

A Climate For Change - Human Development Report Croatia 2008

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Climate change is not only about polar bears and glaciers and it does not happen just because somebody else is burning more fossil fuel than we are, meaning that they should act first and we can follow later. It is not only about complying with the Kyoto Protocol or new European Union targets. It has far more to do with the quality of life and with the choices of every Croatian citizen. Its impacts will be felt in Croatia even though Croatia’s greenhouse gas emissions account for only about 0.1% of global emissions. The impacts of climate change bring significant risks for the future and perhaps some opportunities for each of us. We have a responsibility to do something about it, to manage that risk and to mitigate the damage in the most effective way.
It is a scientifically proven fact, recognised by a Nobel Prize last year, that the climate is changing and humans are at least in part responsible. It is obvious that the consequences of that change and of climate variability are already being felt all over the globe. Croatia is not an exception. With this Report, we have accounted for and quantified the damages in several sectors of the Croatian economy over the past several years as a result of climate variability. Agriculture, fisheries, health, hydropower, tourism and the coastal zone - the sectors we have analysed - represent 25% of the Croatian economy, employ almost half the working population and represent a total annual GDP of 9 billion Euro. 

Chapter 1.
Introduction - Climate Change and the Challenge for Human Development in Croatia 
Section 1: What Do We Know About the Changing Climate? 
Chapter 2: Public Perceptions/ Knowledge about Climate Change
Chapter 3: The Croatian Climate
Section 2. What Would Climate Change Affect in Croatia?
Chapter 4: Tourism
Chapter 5: Coastal Zone and Sea-Level Rise
Chapter 6: Health Impacts
Chapter 7: Water Resources
Chapter 8: Agriculture
Chapter 9: The Fishing and Mariculture Industries
Chapter 10: Climate Change and Vulnerable Groups
Chapter 11: Vulnerability to Climate Change in Croatia: A Summary of
Section 3: What Can Croatia Do to Change the Climate?
Chapter 12: Reducing Emissions in Croatia – the Costs of Mitigation
Chapter 13: Evaluation of Current Activities to Mitigate Climate Change – Institutional Analysis
Chapter 14: Conclusions: A Climate for Change – Findings and Recommendations
Annex 1: Statistical Indicators
Annex 2: General Socio-Economic Questions and Selected Answers from the Public Opinion Survey
Annex 3: Basic Information about Climate Models
Annex 4: How this Report was Prepared
Annex 5: Endnotes and Bibliography

Author Details
"Yuri Afanasiev" 

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