Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Fluent Python - O'REILLY, By "Luciano Ramalho"

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“Python is an easy to learn, powerful programming language.” Those are the first words of the official Python Tutorial. That is true, but there is a catch: because the language is easy to learn and put to use, many practicing Python programmers leverage only a fraction ot its powerful features.
An experienced programmer may start writing useful Python code in a matter of hours. As the first productive hours become weeks and months, a lot of developers go on writing Python code with a very  presented while carefully avoiding language-specific features.

As a teacher introducing Python to programmers experienced in other languages, I see another problem that this book tries to address: we only miss stuff we know about. Coming from another language, anyone may guess that Python supports regular expressions, and look that up in the docs. But if you’ve never seen tuple unpacking or descriptors before, you will probably not search for them, and may end up not using those features just because they are specific to Python.
This book is not an A-Z exhaustive reference of Python. My emphasis is in the language features that are either unique to Python or not found in many other popular languages. This is also mostly a book about the core language and some of its libraries. I will rarely talk about packages that are not in the standard library, even though the Python package index now lists more than 53.000 libraries and many of them are incredibly useful.

Part I. Prologue
 1. The Python Data Model
Part II. Data structures
 2. An array of sequences
3. Dictionaries and sets
4. Text versus bytes
Part III. Functions as objects 
5. First-class functions.
6. Design patterns with first-class functions
7. Function decorators and closures
Part IV. Object Oriented Idioms 
8. Object references, mutability and recycling
9. A Pythonic object
10. Sequence hacking, hashing and slicing
11. Interfaces: from protocols to ABCs
12. Inheritance: for good or for worse
13. Operator overloading: doing it right
Part V. Control flow
 14. Iterables, iterators and generators
15. Context managers and else blocks
16. Coroutines
17. Concurrency with futures
18. Concurrency with asyncio
Part VI. Metaprogramming 
19. Dynamic attributes and properties
20. Attribute descriptors
21. Class metaprogramming
A. Support scripts
Python jargon

Author Details
"Luciano Ramalho"

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