Thursday, January 10, 2019


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This book provides the principles of engineering rock mechanics for petroleum related engineering disciplines. It covers the fundamentals of solid mechanics and provides a systematic approach for their application to oil and gas related drilling operations, and to well design problems.

The first and primary objective is to present the basic fundamentals on a level appropriate for both inexperienced university students and experienced engineers. To achieve this goal, the concepts have been developed in a logical order from simple to more complex, to enable the reader to learn and use them, and, if needed, to develop them further for more practical and complex petroleum rock mechanics problems.

The second key objective is to ensure that the topics are developed and treated sufficiently throughout the text giving the reader the opportunity to understand them without having the need to consult other sources. This has been achieved by developing every topic consistently with previous topics, and providing practical examples and a comprehensive glossary of terminologies used throughout the text.

The role of formation, strength of rock materials and wellbore mechanics in drilling operations and well design are highlighted systematically to include details of practical in-situ stress changes and how they impact on wellbore and borehole behavior. The concluding equations are used methodically and incorporated into well-known failure criteria to predict stresses. They have also been used to assess various failure scenarios, analyze wellbore stability and determine fracture and collapse behavior for single and multi-lateral wells. The assessment has also been extended to include drilling methodologies such as underbalanced drilling and the use of probabilistic techniques to minimize uncertainties and maximize the likelihood of success.

About the authors
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PART-One: Fundamentals of Solid Mechanics
Chapter 1. Stress/Strain Definitions and Components
Chapter 2. Stress and Strain Transformation
Chapter 3. Principal and Deviatoric Stresses and Strains
Chapter 4. Theory of Elasticity
Chapter 5. Failure Criteria
PART-Two: Petroleum Rock Mechanics
Chapter 6. Introduction to Petroleum Rock Mechanics
Chapter 7. Porous Rocks and Effective Stresses
Chapter 8. In-Situ Stress
Chapter 9. Rock Strength and Rock Failure
Chapter 10. Stresses Around a Wellbore
Chapter 11. Wellbore Instability Analysis
Chapter 12. Wellbore Instability Analysis Using Inversion Technique
Chapter 13. Wellbore Instability Analysis Using Quantitative Risk Assessment
Chapter 14. The Effect of Mud Losses on Wellbore Stability
Appendix A. Mechanical Properties of Rocks
Appendix B. The Poisson's Ratio Effect
Appendix C. Model for the Stress Bridge
Appendix D. Glossary Of Terms Index

Author Details
"BERNT S. AADNØY" Department of Petroleum Engineering, University of Stavanger, Stavanger, Norway.

"REZA LOOYEH" Chevron Limited, Pembroke Refinery, Pembroke, UK

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