Saturday, June 15, 2019

System of Environmental-Economic Accounting Central Framework

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The System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) – Central Framework, was adopted as an international standard by the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) at its forty-third session in 2012. It is the first international statistical standard for environmental-economic accounting. The SEEA Central Framework is a multipurpose conceptual framework for understanding the interactions between the economy and the environment, and for describing stocks and changes in stocks of environmental assets. The SEEA brings statistics on the environment and its relationship to the economy into the core of official statistics. This version of the SEEA is an outcome of much path-breaking work on extending and refining concepts for the measurement of the interaction between the economy and the environment. Some important measurement challenges remain and are included in the research agenda in Annex 2. Regular compilation of environmental-economic accounts in countries as part of a programme of official statistics will foster international statistical comparability, provide policy relevant information at national, regional and international levels, improve the quality of the resulting statistics and understanding of the measurement concepts.

List of tables and figures
List of abbreviations and acronyms
Chapter 1: Introduction to the SEEA Central Framework
Chapter 2: Accounting structure
Chapter 3: Physical flow accounts
Chapter 4: Environmental activity accounts and related flows
Chapter 5: Asset accounts
Chapter 6: Integrating and presenting the accounts
Annex 1: Classifications and lists
Annex 2: Research agenda for the SEEA Central Framework

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