Friday, July 5, 2019

Java: The Complete Reference (9th Edition)

File Size: 10.34 Mb

Java is one of the world’s most important and widely used computer languages. Furthermore, it has held that distinction for many years. Unlike some other computer languages whose influence has waned with the passage of time, Java’s has grown stronger. Java leapt to the forefront of Internet programming with its first release. Each subsequent version has solidified that position. Today, it is still the first and best choice for developing web-based applications. Simply put: much of the modern world runs on Java code. Java really is that important.

A key reason for Java’s success is its agility. Since its original 1.0 release, Java has continually adapted to changes in the programming environment and to changes in the way that programmers program. Most importantly, it has not just followed the trends, it has helped create them. Java’s ability to accommodate the fast rate of change in the computing world is a crucial part of why it has been and continues to be so successful.

Part I: The Java Language
Chapter 1: The History and Evolution of Java
Chapter 2: An Overview of Java
Chapter 3: Data Types, Variables, and Arrays
Chapter 4: Operators
Chapter 5: Control Statements
Chapter 6: Introducing Classes
Chapter 7: A Closer Look at Methods and Classes
Chapter 8: Inheritance
Chapter 9: Packages and Interfaces
Chapter 10: Exception Handling
Chapter 11: Multithreaded Programming
Chapter 12: Enumerations, Autoboxing, and Annotations (Metadata)
Chapter 13: I/O, Applets, and Other Topics
Chapter 14: Generics
Chapter 15: Lambda Expressions
Part II: The Java Library
Chapter 16: String Handling
Chapter 17: Exploring java.lang
Chapter 18: java.util Part 1: The Collections Framework
Chapter 19: java.util Part 2: More Utility Classes
Chapter 20: Input/Output: Exploring
Chapter 21: Exploring NIO
Chapter 22: Networking
Chapter 23: The Applet Class
Chapter 24: Event Handling
Chapter 25: Introducing the AWT: Working with Windows, Graphics, and Text
Chapter 26: Using AWT Controls, Layout Managers, and Menus
Chapter 27: Images
Chapter 28: The Concurrency Utilities
Chapter 29: The Stream API
Chapter 30: Regular Expressions and Other Packages
Part III: Introducing GUI Programming with Swing
Chapter 31: Introducing Swing
Chapter 32: Exploring Swing
Chapter 33: Introducing Swing Menus
Part IV: Introducing GUI Programming with JavaFX
Chapter 34: Introducing JavaFX GUI Programming
Chapter 35: Exploring JavaFX Controls
Chapter 36: Introducing JavaFX Menus
Part V: Applying Java
Chapter 37: Java Beans
Chapter 38: Introducing Servlets
Appendix Using Java’s Documentation Comments

Author Details
"Herbert Schildt" has written extensively about programming for nearly three decades and is a leading authority on the Java language. His books have sold millions of copies worldwide and have been translated into all major foreign languages. He is the author of numerous books on Java, including Java: A Beginner’s Guide, Herb Schildt’s Java Programming Cookbook, and Swing: A Beginner’s Guide.

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