Monday, September 23, 2019

Learning Linux Binary Analysis (Free PDF)

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Software engineering is the act of creating an invention that exists, lives, and breathes on a microprocessor. We call it a program. Reverse engineering is the act of discovering how exactly that program lives and breathes, and furthermore it is how we can understand, dissect, or modify the behavior of that program using a combination of disassemblers and reversing tools and relying on our hacker instincts to master the target program which we are reverse engineering. We must understand the intricacies of binary formats, memory layout, and the instruction set of the given processor. We therefore become masters of the very life given to a program on a microprocessor. A reverse engineer is skilled in the art of binary mastery. This book is going to give you the proper lessons, insight, and tasks required to become a Linux binary hacker. When someone can call themselves a reverse engineer, they elevate themselves beyond the level of just engineering. A true hacker can not only write code but also dissect code, disassembling the binaries and memory segments in pursuit of modifying the inner workings of a software program; now that is power…

Chapter 1: The Linux Environment and Its Tools
Chapter 2: The ELF Binary Format
Chapter 3: Linux Process Tracing
Chapter 4: ELF Virus Technology – Linux/Unix Viruses
Chapter 5: Linux Binary Protection
Chapter 6: ELF Binary Forensics in Linux
Chapter 7: Process Memory Forensics
Chapter 8: ECFS – Extended Core File Snapshot Technology
Chapter 9: Linux /proc/kcore Analysis

Author Details
"Ryan "elfmaster" O'Neill" is a computer security researcher and software engineer with a background in reverse engineering, software exploitation, security defense, and forensics technologies. He grew up in the computer hacker subculture, the world of EFnet, BBS systems, and remote buffer overflows on systems with an executable stack.

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