Tuesday, September 13, 2022



The construction sector is of strategic importance to the EU as it delivers the buildings and infrastructure needed by the rest of the economy and society. It represents more than 10% of EU GDP and more than 50% of fixed capital formation. It is the largest single economic activity and it is the biggest industrial employer in Europe. The sector employs directly almost 20 million people. Construction is a key element not only for the implementation of the Single Market, but also for other construction relevant EU Policies, e.g. Sustainability, Environment and Energy, since 40-45% of Europe’s energy consumption stems from buildings with a further 5-10% being used in processing and transport of construction products and components.

The EN Eurocodes are a set of European standards which provide common rules for the design of construction works, to check their strength and stability against live extreme loads such as fire and earthquakes. In line with the EU’s strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth (EU2020), standardization plays an important part in supporting the industrial policy for the globalization era. The improvement of the competition in EU markets through the adoption of the Eurocodes is recognized in the "Strategy for the sustainable competitiveness of the construction sector and its enterprises" – COM (2012)433, and they are distinguished as a tool for accelerating the process of convergence of different national and regional regulatory approaches. With the publication of all the 58 Eurocodes Parts in 2007, the implementation of the Eurocodes is extending to all European countries and there are firm steps toward their adoption internationally.

The Commission Recommendation of 11 December 2003 stresses the importance of training in the use of the Eurocodes, especially in engineering schools and as part of continuous professional development courses for engineers and technicians, which should be promoted both at national and international level. It is recommended to undertake research to facilitate the integration into the Eurocodes of the latest developments in scientific and technological knowledge.

In light of the Recommendation, DG JRC is collaborating with DG ENTR and CEN/TC250 “Structural Eurocodes” and is publishing the Report Series ‘Support to the implementation, harmonization and further development of the Eurocodes’ as JRC Scientific and Policy Reports.

This Report Series includes, at present, the following types of reports:
1. Policy support documents – Resulting from the work of the JRC in cooperation with partners and stakeholders on ‘Support to the implementation, promotion and further development of the Eurocodes and other standards for the building sector’;
2. Technical documents – Facilitating the implementation and use of the Eurocodes and containing information and practical examples (Worked Examples) on the use of the Eurocodes and covering the design of structures or its parts (e.g. the technical reports containing the practical examples presented in the workshop on the Eurocodes with worked examples organized by the JRC);
3. Pre-normative documents – Resulting from the works of the CEN/TC250 and containing background information and/or first draft of proposed normative parts. These documents can be then converted to CEN technical specifications
4. Background documents – Providing approved background information on current Eurocode part. The publication of the document is at the request of the relevant CEN/TC250 SubCommittee;
5. Scientific/Technical information documents – Containing additional, non-contradictory information on current Eurocode part, which may facilitate its implementation and use, or preliminary results from pre-normative work and other studies, which may be used in future revisions and further developments of the standards.

The authors are various stakeholders involved in Eurocodes process and the publication of these documents is authorized by relevant CEN/TC250 Sub-Committee or Working Group.

Editorial work for this Report Series is assured by the JRC together with partners and stakeholders, when appropriate. The publication of the reports type 3, 4 and 5 is made after approval for publication from the CEN/TC250 Co-ordination Group. The publication of these reports by the JRC serves the purpose of implementation, further harmonization and development of the Eurocodes. However, it is noted that neither the Commission nor CEN are obliged to follow or endorse any recommendation or result included in these reports in the European legislation or standardization processes. This report is part of the so-called Technical documents (Type 2 above) and contains a comprehensive description of the practical examples presented at the workshop “Design of concrete buildings with the Eurocodes” with emphasis on worked examples.

The workshop was held on 20-21 October 2011 in Brussels, Belgium and was organized by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission together with CEN/TC250/Sub-Committee 2 and Politecnico di Torino, with the support of CEN and the Member States. The workshop addressed representatives of public authorities, national standardisation bodies, research institutions, academia, industry and technical associations involved in training on the Eurocodes. The main objective was to facilitate training on Eurocode 2 through the transfer of knowledge and training information from the Eurocode 2 writers (CEN/TC250 Sub-Committee 2) to key trainers at national level and Eurocodes users. The workshop was a unique occasion to compile a state-of-the-art training kit comprising the slide presentations and technical papers with the worked example of a concrete structure designed following Eurocode 2. The present JRC Report compiles all the technical papers and the worked example prepared by the workshop lecturers.

The editors and authors have sought to present useful and consistent information in this report. However, it must be noted that the report does not present complete design example and that the reader may still identify some discrepancies between chapters. The chapters presented in the report have been prepared by different authors therefore are partly reflecting the different practices in the EU Member States. 

Users of information contained in this report must satisfy themselves of its suitability for the purpose for which they intend to use it. We would like to gratefully acknowledge the workshop lecturers and the members of CEN/TC250 Sub-Committee 2 for their contribution in the organization of the workshop and development of the training material comprising the slide presentations and technical papers with the worked example. We would also like to thank especially Prof. Francesco Biasioli for the contribution, coordination of lecturers and support to the workshop.

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