Thursday, December 20, 2018

Working Draft Measure Information Template Light Commercial Unitary HVAC

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This document describes a number of proposed changes to Title 24 that affect controls and economizers:
  •  Fault Detection and Diagnostics (FDD) is included in 2008 Title 24 as a compliance option. A proposal is to advance FDD as a prescriptive baseline.
  • Multipurpose rooms of less than 1000 square feet, and classrooms and conference rooms of any size, shall be equipped with occupant sensor(s) to setup the operating cooling temperature set point and setdown the operating heating temperature set point.
  •  A thermostat with two stages of cooling is required for single zone systems whenever an outside air economizer is present.
  •  Revise the prescriptive baseline for economizers from 75,000 Btu/h to 54,000 Btu/h.
  •  Set the statewide maximum damper leakage at 10 cfm/sf at 1.0 in w.g., to harmonize with the ASHRAE 90.1 damper leakage requirement.
  •  Mandatory performance features for economizers and revising the current option for RTU manufacturers to apply to the CEC for a certification for a factory installed and calibrated economizer.
  •  Modify the high limit switch requirements. Previous versions of Title 24 have prescribed air economizer high limit strategies for non-residential buildings based on climate zone. This measure revises the prescriptive requirements and modeling rules for each climate zone based on fundamental psychrometrics, extensive energy simulations, and maintenance and reliability resulting from recently published data regarding humidity sensor accuracy.

1. Project Title

2. Description
3. Type of Change
4. Energy Benefits
5. Non-Energy Benefits
6. Environmental Impact
7. Technology Measures 
8. Useful Life, Persistence, and Maintenance:
9. Performance Verification
10. Cost Effectiveness
11. Analysis Tools
12. Relationship to Other Measures
1. Fault Detection and Diagnostics (FDD)
2. Occupancy Sensor to Setback Thermostat
3. Two-Stage Thermostat
4. Economizer Size Threshold
5. Economizer Damper Leakage
6. Economizer Reliability
7. High Limit Switch Performance
Analysis and Results 1. Fault Detection and Diagnostics (FDD)
2. Occupancy Sensor to Setback Thermostat
3. Two-Stage Thermostat
4. Economizer Size Threshold
5. Economizer Damper Leakage
6. Economizer Reliability
7. High Limit Switch Performance
Recommended Language for Standards Document, ACM Manuals, and the Reference Appendices
Bibliography and Other Research
Appendix A: Prototype DOE-2 Model Descriptions
Appendix B: Energy Savings for FDD
Appendix C: Energy Savings for Occupancy Sensors
Appendix D: Energy Savings for Two-Stage Thermostat
Appendix E: Energy Savings for Economizer Size
Appendix F: Economizer Reliability Lab Testing
Appendix G: Manufacturer Certification to the California Energy Commission for Factory Installed and Calibrated Economizers
Appendix H: Sample Certificate Factory Installed and Calibrated Economizers
Appendix I: Economizer Inspection and Functional Testing
Appendix J: Market Survey for Thermostats
Appendix K: Modeling Guidance for RTU Economizers
Appendix L: Energy Savings for High Limit Switch
Appendix M: Endnotes

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