Wednesday, February 22, 2023



  • Mathematics & Engineering Sciences
  • Machine Design & Machine Shop Practices
  • Power and Industrial Plant Engineering.

What is Mathematical Engineering?
Mathematical engineering is an interdisciplinary undergraduate program which adds the deep and broad theoretical infrastructure of mathematics, the oldest and most fundamental science, to the study of engineering. Mathematical engineering aims to provide students with skills in analysis, algorithmic thinking, and modeling development needed in contemporary information Technologies.
In addition to providing graduates with a sound mathematical foundation to pursue an academic education in theoretical and applied mathematics, it provides a strong basis for their future professional lives in a wide range of fields. These include various engineering sciences, information technology, software, economics, finance, business, artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, etc.

Machine Design & Machine Shop Practices
A machine shop or engineering workshop (UK) is a room, building, or company where machining, a form of subtractive manufacturing, is done. In a machine shop, machinists use machine tools and cutting tools to make parts, usually of metal or plastic (but sometimes of other materials such as glass or wood). A machine shop can be a small business (such as a job shop) or a portion of a factory, whether a toolroom or a production area for manufacturing. The building construction and the layout of the place and equipment vary, and are specific to the shop; for instance, the flooring in one shop may be concrete, or even compacted dirt, and another shop may have asphalt floors. A shop may be air-conditioned or not; but in other shops it may be necessary to maintain a controlled climate. Each shop has its own tools and machinery which differ from other shops in quantity, capability and focus of expertise.

Power and Industrial Plant Engineering.
Power plant engineering or power station engineering is a division of power engineering, and is defined as “the engineering and technology required for the production of central station electric power.” The field is focused on the generation of power for industries and communities, not for household power production.
The field is an interdisciplinary field, using the theoretical base of both mechanical and electrical engineering. The engineering aspect of power plant management has evolved with technology and has become progressively more complicated.

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