Saturday, March 2, 2019

The Hacker's Guide to Python

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If you’re reading this, odds are good you’ve been working with Python for some time already. Maybe you learned it using some tutorials, delved into some existing programs, or started from scratch, but whatever the case, you’ve hacked your way into learning it. That’s exactly how I got familiar with Python up until I joined the Open Stack team over two years ago.

Before then, I was building my own Python libraries and applications on a "garage project" scale, but things change once you start working with hundreds of developers on software and libraries that thousands of users rely on. The Open Stack platform represents over half a million lines of Python code, all of which needs to be concise, efficient, and scalable to needs of whatever cloud computing application its users require. And when you have a project this size, things like testing and documentation absolutely require automation, or else they won’t get done at all.

I thought I knew a lot about Python when I first joined Open Stack, but I’ve learned a lot more these past two years working on projects the scale of which I could barely even imagine when I got started. I’ve also had the opportunity to meet some of the best Python hackers in the industry and learn from them – everything from general architecture and design principles to various helpful tips and tricks. Through this book, I hope to share the most important things I’ve learned so that you can build better Python programs – and build them more efficiently, too!.

1. Starting your project
2. Modules and libraries
3. Documentation
4. Distribution
5. Virtual environments
6. Unit testing
7. Methods and decorators
8. Functional programming
9. The AST
10. Performances and optimizations
11. Scaling and architecture
12. RDBMS and ORM
13. Python 3 support strategies
14. Write less, code more

Author Details
"Julien Danjou"

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